How to find the most effective keywords for our website?

At the beginning of your basic SEO steps for your website, there’s an important step called choosing the right keywords as your main focus.
Some marketers, randomly select some related keywords for organic search engine optimization, Although these people skimp on research and analysis.

If you do good SEO and keyword research and consistently produce online content, you will eventually rank (the content will definitely match the search engine algorithms). However, you always run the risk of undercutting your SEO strategy for branding, conversions, etc. (and your company’s ability to get its fair share of relevant search engine traffic).

As much as your time and skills allow, you should consider the following questions and factors that affect content marketing and SEO in any online content you produce and distribute.

1. Is the desired keyword related to our work?

Does the keyword really fit what your business does or who it’s targeting? Years ago, someone told me that he wanted to increase his search engine rankings for the term “e-commerce”. It did not occur to him at all that this phrase might be a bit general. In such a case, that person should have considered “e-commerce” as part of a key phrase, such as “provider of e-commerce solutions.”

However, remember that the keywords you choose should feel like a natural part of what you’re writing. Also, remember that spelling can make a difference.

2. Are we buying these keywords through paid search?

Paid search, which involves buying ads on a search engine, is another source of keyword research that your company may already have access to. But many companies are satisfied with the result of paid search and they don’t go to SEO anymore and this work ends up to their loss. If you’re buying a keyword through paid search, you still need to make sure it’s a viable option for SEO and content marketing.

For example, a large specialty retailer might invest in the keyword phrase “General Electric dishwashers.” If this phrase yields results due to acceptable paid search conversion rates, then it may be worth pursuing in SEO.

Surly, you can pay to get yourself to the top of the paid results list, and you can’t easily achieve high natural search engine rankings. But, if you’re paying for keywords, that should be a sign that you need to pay attention to your SEO strategy. The goal isn’t just to rank high enough that you can stop paying for keywords. Depending on your conversion rate and ROI goals, you might want to keep a keyword with both paid search and organic search.

3. Do I already have a good rank for the desired keyword?

When you start writing, it’s good to know where you stand on the subject you’re writing. Are you among the top 10, top 20, top 30?

 You can use tools like Google Search Console or to get ranking information.

4. Is that keyword used enough on the new page of my website?

You can write fantastic content that goes into great detail about a specific topic by providing examples and new perspectives. But you must include your most strategic key phrases in it. You can’t get a good result just by mentioning the desired phrase once in the thirteenth paragraph out of fifteen paragraphs.

But what is the rule of keyword density?
The “rules” of keyword density have been discussed for a long time. But it should always be one of your top priorities to look for natural opportunities to mention keywords. If you’re using your target keyword once every 150 to 200 words, you’re probably on the right track. If you use it more often, you don’t have to worry anymore, as long as it doesn’t look like you forced the keyword in a place where it doesn’t necessarily belong. You can always reduce the number of times you use the desired keyword after you are sure of your rank.

5. How much traffic does my website get for the given keyword?

When you look at your website analytics results, you should see a wealth of keyword data. You can dig deeper in a variety of ways, including analyzing the primary keywords used to access your website or the search information within your site after users log in. For example, you may find that someone is searching for the term construction loan, but that same term can also lead you to look at options such as “construction loan terms” or “construction loan facility.” Also, you may need to adjust your content strategy to include new keywords on existing or new pages.

6. Is traffic coming to my website for similar keywords?

Existing and fresh content produced with SEO measures can lead to the emergence of a wide range of relevant keywords and phrases. For example, you may have initially targeted the keyword “laptop” for an article; But how to write content is possible

But the way you write your content can lead to a few more keywords, like “buying a laptop.” You can benefit from this impact yourself by showing the growth of search engine traffic for these keywords, page views and more.


At least use the available tools to research keywords to see if people are actually using your target keyword or not. You definitely don’t want to create content that people search for ten thousand times a month.

Sometimes you may need to settle for 100 searches per month when checking different key phrases; But any new content can be an opportunity to include your most strategic keywords and link them to your existing content.

Source: “The Power of Content” book

Author: Joe Polizzi